Some Youtube Channel Advice About Anime/Japan

Hi minna!!! Today we will look at some channels that the otakus will can like. And yes this article is written in Engilish and Japanese cause we will fight with words today. Okay thats why; (actually its not imp but) i want to imporove my Engilish and (thats really imp) i want to be able to deal with my followers from different nationalities.

Im currently listening to Mozart, writing about Animes, but in Engilish. Culture conflict. Okay lets do it.

1) My number one Gigguk.
Really love him's voice and thinking structure. I met him with this video Attack on Titan In 9 Min now i think it's the funniest person in the world. 

Yes it's really fantastic and original name. Bsdhdjs whatever meet him with this video Only speak Japanese i remember i was very impressed after wathing this video because probably i can never speak Japanese as good as he. I want to go Akihabara with him. 

3) Reina Scully i hope i wrote her name correctly. She's a really nice and very fun vlogger. Kawaii!!! (This word is the first japanese word in this article, and probably the last cause yes i said i will use japanese in this article but my japanese really sucks gomenne minna :( ) 

Its not abouting anime but its about Japan. If you wanna going Japan or learn some Japan culture 'things' yo must watch this channel. And this guys SO CUTE OMG. They're so cute together :( *cry a lot* 

This channel looks like The Anime Man's (number 2) channel. This channel has anime comments, criticisms, parodies, funny approaches and much more. I want talk about 1 channel i really like but i dont find that's link. And i cant remember channel's name i hope i find it before finish my writing.

It's a really great channel, a dreamy channel, a perfect channel. I love this channel cause this perfect girl COVERING OPENING MUSIC FOR ALL ANIMES also editing Engilish. And thats my favorite Unravel amazing song and amazing cover. 

This channel has some suggestion list about anime and some news about anime or i dont know its more likes top 10 shoujo animes list stuff. Really utillty and useful. I use this channel for my article about some anime news in my blog. 

8) And the last its my. Plasticxtree its not a channel its a blog and not in youtube in twitter but i love my blog i write about some funny things about anime or anime thread or just my think i really happy if you visit my blog.

Thank you for reading. If you tell me what you want me to write about, i will try to write. Dakara (so) write me your wishes to me. Love u guys. 
